2.5" Golden Translucent Mimetite Crystal Cluster - Thailand

This is a 2.5" wide cluster of lustrous, golden hexagonal mimetite crystals on matrix, collected from the Guatomo Mine ('Hat Yai' mimetite locality) in the Yala Province of Thailand. This abandoned lead-tin mine is located next the Buddhist temple Wat Tham Thalu. The mimetite from this location is old stock material collected between 1996 and 1998.

Mimetite is a lead chloro-arsenate mineral with the chemical formula of Pb5(AsO4)3Cl. Depending on conditions during formation/replacement, arsenate radicals (As04) can be replaced by a phosphate (PO4) or vanadate (VO4) radical. This alteration is what leads to the formation of pyromorphite and vanadinite, hence why they are typically found associated with each other. Often red to yellow in color, mimetite can occur in a variety of structures, from small prismatic clusters and crusts to incredible hexagonal crystals both thick and thin.
Guatomo Mine, Tham Thalu, Bannang Sata District, Yala Prov., Thailand
2.5 x 1.8"