1.1" Magnetite, Diopside, Epidote & Biotite Association - Afghanistan

This is a gorgeous, 1.1" wide association of yellow-green diopside crystals, an excellent translucent epidote crystal, magnetite crystals and biotite clusters. This mineral association was collected from Khogyani, Afghanistan and is in great condition.

Diopside is a pyroxene mineral with the chemical formula MgCaSi₂O₆. It is often found as small green crystals within metamorphic and igneous rocks, though it can vary in color including yellow, brown, and black. It is an important indicator rock when searching for deep-source volcanic pipes that may or may not contain diamonds. Geologists searching for these pipes often look for diopside crystal fragments, since they form in nearly the same atmospheric conditions and locations as diamonds. Diopside with deep green coloration is known as chrome diopside.

Magnetite is an iron oxide mineral with the chemical formula Fe₃O₄. It the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral on Earth and is an important iron ore. It has an iron content of up to 72.4 percent, which explains why it is such a commonly mined iron ore. Magnetite can be found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock.

Epidote is a green silicate mineral that is commonly found in regionally metamorphosed rocks. It often forms lustrous, elongated, and interconnected crystals that are highly coveted by collectors. While nearly all epidote is green, it may take on many different shades and tones from yellowish to deep green.

Magnetite, Diopside, Epidote & Mica var. Biotite
Khogyani, Afghanistan